Administration Overview
Because the effects of system administration are wide-ranging, only you or someone
you delegate should perform administration procedures. The term administrator as used
in this manual refers to the act of establishing certain options and features that have
systemwide impact, such as assigning the outside lines that each voice terminal can
access or defining System Speed Dial codes for everyone in the system to use. You
use a particular voice terminal, the administrator/attendant console, and the switches
on your control unit to administer your system. However, before you can perform ad-
ministration, you have to put the system in a special state of operation, called ad-
ministration mode. (See “Entering and Leaving Administration Mode,” page 25, for
more information about this operating state.) In contrast, the term program refers to
assigning programmable features to an individual voice terminal. Anyone can put
a voice terminal in programming mode and assign it features while the system is in
the regular call-handling mode.
System administration involves a series of simple procedures that you perform at
the control unit and at the administrator/attendant console (the voice terminal con-
nected to the intercom 10 jack on the control unit). The MERLIN system is designed
to be up and running with a minimum amount of administration. However, depend-
ing on the conditions of your communications environment or the options you choose,
certain administration procedures may be required to set up a newly installed system.
Before attempting any other procedures, you must review the information in “Basic
Administration,” page 21, and complete the procedures that apply to your system
and business needs. Most administration procedures are optional, however, depend-
ing on which features you want to use in your business; these features are described
in “Customizing with Additional System options,” page 40. There are some features
Model 1030 control unit
Voice terminal module
jack 10
Voice terminal module
jack 10
Model 3070 control unit