
To install Microsoft ActiveSync on your computer
1. Exit any open programs, including those that run at
startup, and disable any virus-scanning software.
2. Insert the PPC4100 Companion CD into the
computer’s CD-ROM drive.
The CD's welcome page appears.
3. To go to the next screen, click the animated forward
icon .
4. Click the
SSttaarrtt HHeerree
tab on the right side of the screen.
5. Read the instructions and installation notes indicated
on the Start Here screen.
6. Click the buttons on the left pane to install each of the
individual applications.
After installation, the ActiveSync icon will appear on
your computer’s system tray (on the lower right-hand
corner of the screen).
For detailed information about using ActiveSync on your
computer, start ActiveSync on your computer, click
MMiiccrroossoofftt AAccttiivveeSSyynncc HHeellpp
After completing the installation procedures you can now
set up a partnership between your PPC4100 Pocket PC
and your computer and/or a server with the help of the
New Partnership setup wizard. This wizard will help you:
Set up a partnership so you can synchronize
information between your device and your computer
Customize your synchronization settings
If you choose continuous synchronization, changes
made on the computer or device are duplicated
immediately. To recover a sudden loss of data, you can
configure ActiveSync to back up data on your device.
Choose whether to copy all information in the
internal storage on your device, or just the information
that has changed since the last backup.
Select which information types are synchronized and
control how much information is synchronized. To
illustrate, when synchronizing Calendar, you can set
ActiveSync to synchronize appointments within a certain
date range and for specific categories only. For example
business appointments from the past two weeks only.
ActiveSync is already installed on your PPC4100 Pocket
PC; you only need to install it on your computer.
Microsoft Windows
XP, 2000, ME, NT Workstation
4.0 with Service Pack 6 or later, or 98
Microsoft Outlook
98 or later required for
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 with Service Pack 1
or later
Hard disk drive with 12 to 65 MB of available hard disk
space (actual requirements will vary based on selection
of features and user’s current system configuration)
Available infrared port or USB port
CD-ROM drive
VGA graphics card or compatible video graphics
adapter at 256 color or higher
Keyboard and mouse
NNOOTTEE:: IIff tthhee wwiizzaarrdd ddooeess nnoott aauuttoommaattiiccaallllyy aappppeeaarr,, llaauunncchh
AAccttiivveeSSyynncc oonn yyoouurr ccoommppuutteerr bbyy cclliicckkiinngg oonn iittss iiccoonn ffrroomm
,, tthheenn PPrrooggrraammss..