
To charge your PPC4100:
1. Plug the AC adapter into any AC current outlet.
2. Connect the AC adapter cord to the power socket at
the back of the cradle.
3. Slide the device into the front pocket of the cradle until
it clicks into place.
The connection is secure when the bottom edge of the
device is aligned smoothly with the cradle, and the LED
indicator on the device’s power button lights up
LED status during charging:
Flashing green: Charging
Solid green: Charging complete
4. Remove the device from the cradle after charging.
Go to the next page for instructions.
To connect the cradle to a pow
er source:
1. Connect the AC adapter cord to the power socket at
the back of the cradle.
2. Press and hold the connector button on the AC
adapter cord.
3. Plug it into the power socket at the back of the
4. Plug the AC adapter into any AC current outlet.
For initial use, you need to charge your device for about
eight (8) hours. After that, you can charge it everyday to
recharge the battery to full capacity.
IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT:: TToo aavvooiidd ddaammaaggiinngg tthhee AACC aaddaapptteerr,, mmaakkee ssuurree
ttoo pprreessss aanndd hhoolldd tthhee ccoonnnneeccttoorr bbuuttttoonn bbeeffoorree ccoonnnneeccttiinngg oorr
ddiissccoonnnneeccttiinngg tthhee ccoorrdd ffrroomm tthhee ppoowweerr ssoocckkeett ooff tthhee
IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT:: MMaakkee ssuurree tthhaatt tthhee SSIIMM ccaarrdd hhoollddeerr iiss cclloosseedd
bbeeffoorree cchhaarrggiinngg tthhee ddeevviiccee..