
Operating your TV
Once you have connected your TV to an antenna or cable system, unplugo 0,em,d12 Tf0.3.68 Tc (On65 you have4onnecteput batteriesremote,ur TVarreadye syuse.nnefirst64 TD should do is12 Tf0.3.449 c (O108ting yo00371 cteprogram or cableso it memorizesall ofavailchaantls.12 Tf0.5.36 Tc -0c 0.1449 Tw (Op989ting you3171 cteTurn64 Yr cableOn12 Tf0.12.56 Tc 0 you have0741 cteProgramm64 Yr cabl12 T-4.2024ting y1 cte’12 Tf.0587 you hav185TV) Tjs Chaantl Memory12 Tf0.021 Tc -0.0371 Tw (O34ting yo0071 cteYr cabl12 T-4.296ting y1 cte’12 Tf.0088ting yo0032V) Tjs memory determ64eschaantlsatVaravailus64 12 T38313.90 Tc -050371 Tw4.32V) g y1 cte co12 T1113.90 Tc -0.0371 Twhave24ting yo061 cte CH12 T24t0 Tc -050371 Tw4.32V) g y1 cte c412 T1113.90 Tc -0.0371 Tw0ting yo0361 cte 12 T3.36 09 c (O105ting yo02551 ctebuttons .12 T-430281 0.0216 Tc (On35 you haven35 yocteIf achaantl is notmemory,ur TVcstetunee syit with number buttons, but notwith 12 T47021890 Tc -050371 Tw4.32V) g y1 cte co12 T-47021890.0216 Tc -0.0371 Twhave24ting yo061 cteCH12 T20281 0 Tc -050371 Tw4.32V) g y1 cte c412 T1113.90 Tc -0.0371 Tw0(O132V) g have03TVO54ting y1 cte1.12 T1 (O890 Tc 0ting yo0361 cte 12 T7144909 c (O06e you have10onnecteWith bleo,epressMENU button twice,u 12 T-2.856ting y1 cte“12 Thave12V) g (Set-Up12 T-2.856ting 2.8921 cte” 12 Tf.0168ting yo01921 ctemenuwill appear.12 T-180.3.68 Tc (O54ting y1 cte2.12 T1 (O890 Tc 0ting yo0361 cte 12 T7144909 c (O26ting yo011 cteUse12 T44.8890 Tc -050371 Tw4.32V) g y1 cte co12 T1113.90 Tc -0.0371 Twhave24ting yo061 cte CH12 T24t0 Tc -050371 Tw4.32V) g y1 cte c412 T1113.90 Tc -0.0371 Tw0.016 you have4V) Tj buttonse syselten 12 T-2.856ting y1 cte“12 Tave12V) g (Reception12 T-2.856ting e”12 Tf.0055ting yo0305V) Tj,uuse12 T232.32V0 Tc -050371 Tw4.32V) g y1 cte c712 T1113.90 Tc -0.0371 Tw0.004ting yo032V