
Description Part Number Price
AVT-988 9Color Television with Remote (12V) AVT988 $320.00
AVT-597 5Color Television with Remote (12V) AVT597 $320.00
AVT-1498 13Color Television with Remote (12V) AVT1498 $350.00
AVP-7000 Video Cassette Player (12V) AVP7000 $270.00
BPA-501-12 4 Amp Adapter for use with AVT-988 9
and AVT-1498 13Televisions
0891412 $45.00
AC2A- 2 Amp Adapter for use with AVT-597 5TV
and AVP-7000 Video Cassette Player
0891436 $35.00
Unified Remote Control 0892325 $45.00
VAC-21- 12 Volt Corded Vacuum VAC21 $35.00
AVF-1 12 Volt Rechargeable Flashlight AVF1 $25.00
HP-175 Headphones with Pivoting Ear Cup HP175 $11.75
HP-275 Headphones with Volume Control on Cord HP275 $16.00
HP-375 Studio Quality Headphones HP375 $14.00
Unlike household electronics, all of our products have been specifically designed and tested
for the mobile environment and are only available through ASA. To order any of these
products, please contact Audiovox Specialized Applications at www.entertainment-to-
go.com or 800-688-3135.
*Prices subject to change
Accessories- 23