
Explanation of symbols
The following symbols are used in this user manual:
! This symbol denotes safety and warning notes. They contain important
information about the safe use of your device. Failure to observe this infor-
mation may result in damage or injury. There-fore, please observe this infor-
mation with particular care. Denotes an action to be taken there, you re-
ceive useful tips and information about the use of thesystem.“Terms in quo-
tation marks refer to screen menu options for your safety! The use of the
navigation system by no means relieves the driver ofhis/her responsibilities.
Traffic regulations and current traffic conditionsmust always be observed.
They will always have precedence over theadvice from the navigation sys-
tem if the current traffic situationcontradicts the navigation system
instructions.!The system does not take into account the relative safety of
thesuggested routes. Closed roads, construction sites, height or
weightrestrictions, traffic or weather conditions or other factors influencingthe
safety or travel time of the route will not be considered for thesuggested
routes. Check the suitability of the suggested routes yourself.Use the
”Alternate route” function to receive better route suggestionsor simply take
the preferred route and leave the planning of the newroute to automatic route
re-calculation.!For reasons of traffic safety, make any entries to the naviga-
tion systembefore you depart or when the vehicle is standing.!In certain
areas, one-way streets, turning and entry prohibitions(e.g. pedestrian zones)
are not recorded. The navigation system issuesa warning in such areas.
Pay particular attention to one-way streets,turning and entry restrictions
Please ensure that any person who may use your multimedia systemhas
access to this user’s manual and reads the guidelines andrecommendations
for the use of the system prior to first use.