The Map Display shows roads, road names, and cartographic features like lakes
and rivers. You can adjust the map scale, the map orientation, map view, status
information display, and the distance units to your own preferences (See Setup
section of this manual).
Map display
GPS reception status
Compass heading
Map scale
* Hide Function buttons
Vehicle symbol
Current location
The GPS symbol will change colors indicating the strength of the signal. The GPS
symbol colors mean:
• Green - GPS signal is free from obstruction and is being received regu-
larly. At least four satellites are being received.
• Yellow - GPS signal is partially obstructed. Three satellites are being
• Red - GPS signal is unavailable. Two or fewer satellites are being
NOTE: At times it may take up to 15 minutes to obtain a functioning GPS signal.
Current Location Screen
Press to display information about the current map location. Then select
the location information box to add it to address book, use it as a destination, re-
set position, or save location as HOME location.
Current Location Screen
* Click to hide Function buttons. Click to display Function