• Delete: you can delete any of your previously saved POIs. Touch & Go
Navigator will ask you to confirm this action.
• Edit: you can edit the attributes (name, icon and group) of a previously created
• OK: if you tap this button, the map screen returns with the selected POI in the
middle. Popup Info
When this feature is enabled, tapping the screen (activating the Cursor, a radiating
red dot) on either of the map screens also opens a pop-up box with the selected
street name, house number and the name of the nearby POIs, if any.
Tip: Tapping one of the blue Information icons behind the POI names shows the
details of the appropriate POI item. Manage Track Logs
Using Touch & Go Navigator it is also possible to save the track logs of your
journeys. This screen lets you manage all your track logs. When it comes up, it
shows a list of all track logs already saved.
The original name of a track log is the date and time when it was recorded. You can
change their name to something more meaningful if you wish.