68 Coordinate display format
Positions are sometimes displayed with their addresses, and sometimes with their
coordinates. This setting lets you choose between displaying coordinates in degrees
(dd.dddddd); degrees and minutes (dd mm.mmm); or degrees, minutes and seconds
(dd mm ss.s).
Note: the coordinate display mode is independent from the coordinate input in Find
menu. You can use all three formats freely on the coordinate input screen. Cockpit layout
There are three route data fields at the bottom of the Cockpit screen. Their content is
fixed in Cruise mode (when there is no active route), but for Navigation mode you
can change their content here. The available values are listed in 4.5.15.
5.6.2 Backlight settings
Here you can set how the PND backlight behaves when using Touch & Go
Navigator. Power management
At the top of the screen you can set how the backlight will behave when the screen
has not been touched for a while.
Backlight always on
You can choose to have the lights always on.
Smart powersave
You can also initiate this special feature of Touch & Go Navigator. Smart Powersave
will light up the screen only when you press or tap a button, or if Touch & Go
Navigator has something to show you. After a few seconds the light level decreases,
and after another few seconds the backlight turns off. This helps you achieve a
longer battery life.