Negative Switched Dome Lighting
Red / black - Lamp on
To 12 pin
Black / red - Lamp common
Purple / brown - Lamp Auto
Factory Door ajar
switch or Body
Control computer
No power at Video Monitor
Power but no video or sound
Static on TV Stations
No Infrared remote functions
Verufy +12 VDC on Red wire at 2 pin Power Harness behind video
monitor. Verify ground connection with continuity test from known good
ground to black wire at 2 pin Power Harness
Verify that the correct source is selected (i.e.: 1,2,3 or 4). Verify that the
source is on and playing a known good media (such as a videotape).
Verify connections at both ends of the source component harness.
Press Auto Program button. Then press CH up or CH down.
Due to the nature of TV signals, vehicle motion, direction the
vehicle is facing, distance from the transmitter, nearby surroundings and
weather may adversely affect TV reception. These conditions may result
in the following: picture roll, "snowy" picture, or momentary loss of color.
Check batteries in the hand held remote (not included with this kit). Verify
antenna mounting and connections to the tuner.
that the IR LED ( page 7 Wiring Diagram) is properly attached to the
sensor window of the VCP (or other component).
(Tuner Version Only)
for VCP (or other components)