Installing HP-UX Client Software
Issue 1 October 2003 117
(such as /cdrom1 or /CD-ROM_1) on which to mount the CD-ROM. You can use the
ls command to find the appropriate names for your system.
6. Use the swinstall command to start the software installation. From the command
line, type:
swinstall -s /mountpoint/CLIENT/TSAPI/HPUX/TSLIB.TAR\;1
The system displays the SD Install - Target Selection dialog box.
7. Follow a, b, and c to select installation targets.
a. From the Targets list, highlight the targets on which you want to install the software.
b. From the Actions menu, choose Mark for Install.
c. Again, from the Actions menu, choose Show Software For Selection.
The system displays the SD Install - Software Selection dialog box.
8. Select tslib.
9. From the Actions menu, choose Mark for Install.
10. Before continuing to Step 11, it is recommended that you follow these steps to review
the "Readme" file that accompanies the software.
a. Highlight Avaya Computer Telephony
b. Select Actions, Show Description of Software...., Readme
c. Review the Readme file.
11. Select Actions, and click Install (analysis)....
12. When the analysis is complete, click OK to proceed with the installation.
13. When the installation is complete, click Done to close the Install window.
14. Click File from the menu bar and then click Exit.
15. Remove the CD-ROM using the umount command.
The umount command format is as follows:
umount /dev/dsk/device
device specifies the CD-ROM drive that contains the Avaya Computer Telephony
installation disk.
16. Remove the CD-ROM.
This completes the procedure to install the Avaya Computer Telephony HP-UX client
software. Keep in mind that you must edit the "tslibrc" file for each client. See the next
section, Editing the Template File
-- tslibrc on page 118.