Using the JTAPI SDK
172 Installation Guide
ACD Applet
This applet demonstrates the use of the JTAPI Call Center package. It gets the
ACDAddresses known to the provider, and the agents logged-in at those ACD splits. It tries
to log-in two agents specified as parameters in the acd.html file.
To run:
1. CLASSPATH must be modified to include ecsjtapid.jar, and the directory containing the
tsapi.pro file.
2. Modify the tsapi.pro file to include the IP address or hostname of your Tserver. If you
are setting up Avaya Computer Telephony in a Network Address Translation (NAT)
environment, use the IP address administered in the NAT table as the outside address
of the Telephony Server.
3. Modify the acd.html file to customize it for your environment.
You will need to change the following applet parameters:
● SERVICENAME — Advertised name of the CTI link
● LOGIN — NT/Telephony Server user login
● PASSWORD — NT user password
● ACD — Split extension for an ACD administered on your
● AGENT1 — Agent for split specified (logged-off)
● AGENT2 — Agent for split specified (logged-off)
4. From the command prompt, type
appletviewer acd.html
CallLog Application
This application uses JTAPI along with some of the Avaya Computer Telephony extensions
to the API to access functionality specific to the DEFINITY G3 PBX.
This application has these purposes:
● Observe a terminal to log all incoming and outgoing calls to/from the specified device. It
also displays UserToUser information, if any, associated with the call.
● The ability to make calls and send UserToUser information along with the call
● The ability to send DTMF through an active call