Change Server PC Name NT4 Server PC
Compact Contact Center Installation & Maintenance
40DHB0002USBG Issue 1 (11/14/2001) Change Server PC Name
Page 24
Change ODBC Settings
Ensure you perform the following procedure for both the SDXArchiver and
SDXRepository System Data Sources.
1. From the Windows Taskbar, click Start, point to Settings and select
Control Panel.
2. From the Control Panel, open ODBC, and click System DSN tab. The
ODBC Data Source Administrator screen appears.
3. Select SDXArchiver and then click Configure.
4. In the Description box, enter the new Server name (e.g. if the PC
name has been changed to ARCHIVERSQL123, then in the above
screen, SDXArchiver on server ARCHIVERSQL changes to
SDXArchiver on server ARCHIVERSQL123).
5. In the Server box, enter the new server name (e.g.
ARCHIVERSQL123), click Finish.
6. Click Test Data Source to ensure the configuration is created and then
click OK.
7. Select SDXRepository and then click Configure.
8. In the Description box, enter the new Server name (e.g. if the PC
name has been changed to ARCHIVERSQL123, then in the above
screen, SDXArchiver on server ARCHIVERSQL changes to
SDXArchiver on server ARCHIVERSQL123).
9. In the Server box, enter the new server name (e.g.
ARCHIVERSQL123), click Finish.
10. Click Test Data Source to ensure the configuration is created and then
click OK.
11. From the ODBC Data Source Administrator screen, click OK.