
Introduction General
Compact Contact Center Installation & Maintenance
40DHB0002USBG Issue 1 (11/14/2001) Introduction
Page 3
Compact Contact Center Modules (CCC) provide the user with the
necessary tools to facilitate the management of call traffic. They are
designed to provide a tightly integrated real time and historic reporting
package and wallboard support for the eBusiness digital communications
platform. The product consists of a set of fully integrated modules sharing
a common database utilizing Interactive Directory and Database (IDD)
The suite of modules consists of the following applications:
Call Center View (CCV):
Provides a management package for telephone based staff and
supports any size Customer Facing Department (CFD) or contact
center. To effectively control customer service levels, real time human
resource management is essential and the Call Center View has been
specially designed to manage the CFD’s or contact center’s most
valuable and expensive asset – its people.
Call Center View Alarm Reporter:
Provides information (for each Contact Center Profile) about alarms
that have occurred within the Compact Contact Center. The detailed
alarm information for each directory number is presented in report
format, which can then be printed.
Wallboard Manager:
Real time information from the contact center is essential to react to
constantly changing telephone traffic levels and provide excellent
customer service. Wallboards allow managers and staff to monitor the
service being provided and respond immediately. Wallboards provide
current information on the number of calls waiting, response times and
service levels.
PC Wallboard:
The PC Wallboard delivers traditional wall mounted wallboard
functionality to the desktop but with the additional benefit of each PC
Wallboard agent being able to configure and monitor a personalized
view of the contact center. The PC Wallboard also enables agents to
increase their productivity and maintain revenue levels with the added
benefit of managing customer callback requests.
Report Manager:
Provides in depth historical reporting on CFD or contact center activity.
In addition to call information, the Report Manager also reports agent
activity. This powerful package allows individual call records to be
stored and reported upon months later.
Report Designer:
The Report Designer is a software tool used for querying and reporting.
It enables the user to create reports that contain data from their contact
center database and schedule reports to be updated and printed.
CCC User Access:
This allows the user to have security and store their personal view of
the contact center activity.