Instruction 2772-0803 Page 2-7
Under the cover on the main board are three
slots for mounting option boards. An option board
can be inserted in any available slot. The two
option cards available are the Serial Printer
Interface PCB, and the Alarm Relay PCB (See
Section 5.5 for order numbers).
INSTALLATION. A suitable external printer can
be connected when the printer option is fitted. This
is a ‘plugable’ option and may be added any time.
Section 3.14 explains the user selectable aspects.
The Printer option is a user installed feature
for which the external printer socket is pre-wired.
To install, proceed as follows:
The following parts are required: Printer PCB,
Portable Printer (See Chapter 5 for part numbers)
complete with charger and lead.
Refer to Sections 3.14.3 and 3.14.4 and set the
switches on the Printer board to select the desired
date format, printer interval and the baud rate.
When handling the option board wear a wrist strap
with the clip grounded at RIS common.
Disable external warning systems controlled
by the RIS to avoid unnecessary alarms.
Open the RIS door and switch off the system at
SW1. Before fitting the option board, wear a wrist
strap with the clip grounded at RIS common.
Terminal # 1 on J1 can be used.
If a wrist strap is not available, avoid touching
components on the option board and the main
Slide the Printer option board into a slot and
engage the connectors. If the board is not put in
correctly, the connectors will not mate.
Set the date and time using the procedure in
Replace the cover on the main board, plug
printer into external socket provided, turn on the
printer, wait for the printer to print "Ready", and
check printer operation by pressing the PRINT key.
2.9.2 PORTABLE PRINTER. This printer is
supplied complete with internal battery, charger
and interconnecting cable. A fully charged printer
battery allows for printing a complete 7 days worth
of data. The printer can also be used ‘on line’ via
the supplied charger. See Section 3.14 for printer
GMD Alarm Module is available for connection
directly to an RIS’s interface terminals. Single or
multiple Alarm and RIS combinations are possible
and are described in the Alarm Module Manual
(2701-1982). Basic connection of an Alarm to an RIS
is shown in that manual.
install, follow the steps below:
Disable external warning systems controlled by
the RIS and route additional cabling for the extra
relay outputs that will be made available.
Open the RIS door and switch off the system at
SW1. Disconnect the single relay output wiring from
terminal strip J1 inside the RIS. Remove the black
main board cover on the door rear to expose the
option board slots.
Check that the two EPROM’s are Version 30-xx-
03 or higher, where xx is the gas curve code (e.g. 00
for TDI, 06 for MDI etc.). 03 at the end of the version
# confirms that the relays are normally closed in the
‘off' state and open on alarm.
Slide the Relay Alarm Option board into a slot
and engage the connectors. If the board is not put in
correctly, the connectors will not mate. When
handling the option board wear a wrist strap
with the clip grounded at RIS common. Termi-
nal # 1 on J1 can be used. If a wrist strap is not
available, avoid touching components on the option
board and the main board. Replace the cover on the
main board.
Bring the new interface wires into the system
and connect them according to the Figure 2-2.
Ensure correct polarity is observed. Switch the
system on at SW1 and check for correct operation of
the externally connected alarm system/s.
The gas alarms can be checked with the use of a
Test Card, (see Section 3.13.3), or by opening the
tape gate with the system operating.