Page 4-2 Instruction 2772-0803
With the tape in place, adjust the track 1
potentiometer until the reading is 220. Clockwise
rotation of potentiometers increases the level.
When track 1 has been adjusted, press the
HOLD/RELEASE button to allow track 2 to be
displayed. HOLD this display as before and adjust
track 2 in the same manor as track 1.
After adjustments exit the TEST Mode by
pressing the red button on the rear of the door
again, unless other tests have to be done.
Exit the TEST Mode by pressing the red button
on the rear of the door again, unless other tests
have to be done.
REFER to Table #1 to check the correct Flow
Rate for your system.
Connect a suitable flow meter in series with the
RIS input tube as shown in Figure 4-3. A bubble
meter or a rotameter (flow meter) with an accuracy
of ± 5% FSD is recommended. Ensure that the flow
meter is vertical or the subsequent reading will not
be accurate. Connection to the RIS input tube must
fit tight and not allow any leakage.
Figure 4-3. Flow Rate Hookup
Enter the TEST Mode and HOLD display at
Light Level 1 by pressing the HOLD/RELEASE
key. At this point the pump is running at NORMAL
sampling rate. Ensure there is tape in the gate, and
that the gate is closed. Take a reading of the track
1 flow and record it for reference.
If the flow is not at the specified rate, it should
be adjusted using the Flow Adjust POT which is
located on the main circuit board on the back of the
door (See the Figure 1-2 for the location). It is not
necessary to remove the protective cover over the
board to adjust this POT.
After the track 1 flow has been adjusted, press
the HOLD/RELEASE key. Allow the display to
cycle to track 2 and press the HOLD/RELEASE key
again to enable the track 2 flow to be checked.
Because the flow has already been adjusted on
track 1, the flow should also be correct on track 2.
If there is a difference between the two track Flow
Rates of more than about ±5%, the difference should
be investigated and corrected.
NOTE: Porosity of the tape can vary a
little along the tape, and from tape to tape.
This factor may cause small changes in the
Flow Rate but the effect is not significant.
Don’t over-adjust this parameter.
Having set the correct Flow Rate, exit the TEST
Mode by pressing the red button.
If the ‘door open’ fault alarm is inconvenient
when working with the door open, or it is necessary
to turn off the switch, it may be temporarily dis-
abled as follows.
Hold a small magnet (see Section 5.5) close to
the semiconductor switch mounted in the bottom
left-hand corner of the main board. The polarity
must be correct, so if it doesn’t work the first time,
turn it around to reverse the polarity. Take care
not to damage the switch!
A correctly adjusted ‘door open’ switch will turn
the door alarm off as the door is tightened against
its seal.
There are two parts to the switch; a ‘hall effect’
semiconductor mounted on the main board in the
door, and a magnet on an adjusting pillar located in
the enclosure corner. As the door is closed, the
switch and the magnet are brought into proximity
and the switch changes from ‘open’ to ‘closed’. If
adjustment is required, use the following method:
Open the RIS door and locate the door switch
magnet mounting pillar in the bottom right-hand
corner of the enclosure. Refer to Figure 1-2 for the
position of the magnet. Loosen the lock nut with a
5/16" wrench so that the distance between the
magnet and the hall effect switch ‘sensor’, can be
If the door fault does not go off when the
door is closed and the fixing screws are tightened
moderately, unscrew the magnet mounting pillar a
little. This will bring the magnet closer to the hall
effect switch when the door is closed and will make
the switch operate earlier.
If the door alarm turns off too early, screw
magnet in so that the distance between the two
elements is increased. Adjust the magnet gradually
until correct operation has been achieved.
Finally, tighten the lock nut taking care not to
disturb the magnet position.