2.1 Connecting the graphical controller and the projection cubes
HERMES DXD is equipped with two digital input connectors (Digital In 1, Digital In 2) and two
digital output connectors (
Digital Out 1, Digital Out 2).
The output connectors can be routed to any input connector, resulting in the following fields of
Hermes DXD as multiplexer
The connection of the projection cubes to different types of graphical controllers via HERMES
DXD allows controlling the Display Wall by different operating systems. Some cubes or the entire
Display Wall can alternatively be used as Windows NT desktop or as root window (X Window
Some fields of application require the connection of the projection cubes to identical graphical
controllers: In a case of malfunction of one graphical controller it is immediately switched to the
other graphical controller. This redundancy guarantees a permanent availability of the Display
It is also possible to apply one signal to both outputs and thus display the identical information on
two different projection cubes.
To increase the distance between graphical controller and projection unit, HERMES DXD can be
used as a two channel repeater.
Input 2
Output 2
Input 1
Controller 1
module 1
module 2
Controller 2
Output 1
Figure 2-1
connecting Hermes DXD (schematics)