
2.2 Assigning inputs to outputs
ERMES DXD is operated by means of remote control, and the inputs are routed to the output via
the respective command, cf.
5.3 Switching commands.
The following schematics show the multiple possibilities for assigning an input to an output. For a
clear arrangement, the connections which can be established in parallel are indicated by gray
dashed lines.
Input 2
Output 2
Input 1
Output 1
Input 2
Output 2
Input 1
Output 1
Input 2
Output 2
Input 1
Output 1
Input 2
Output 2
Input 1
Output 1
Figure 2-2
assigning inputs to output
2.3 Remote Control
ERMES DXD is controlled by a serial interface. The remote control is integrated in X Window
7.3.3 User’s Manuals) and available as application for Windows NT/2000/XP (HERMES REMOTE-
ONTROL). The protocol is accessible for individual applications.
The general concept of remote control, i. e. cabling, connection settings and protocol are described
separately in chapter
4 Remote Control.