10. ViewScape Configuration
Image 10-18
Image 10-19
Gamma value
1. Set the gamma value the same as the gamma value of the projector. Black level adjustment
What should be done
For dark images, the overlap zone will be brighter than the rest of the image. Therefore, increment the
black level of the non overlapped zones until the result is the same with the overlap zone.
1. Do you want to have the same value for Red, Green and Blue.
If yes, Check the check box next to Item R, G, B.Gotostep3.
2. Do you want to increment Red, Green and Blue with the same value?
If yes, Check the check box next to Link R, G, B.Gotostep3.
3. Increment the value for Red, Green and Blue until the black level in the unoverlapped zone is the same
as the black level in the overlapped zone.
4. Click
to return to the digitizer settings.
R5976476 VIEWSCAPE TOOLSET 01/07/2004