7. Windowing
How to change
1. Select first the window (source) you want to change the name.
2. Click on the name change icon. (image 7-15)
A user prompt window will be displayed. (image 7-16)
3. Enter a new name with the keyboard.
4. Click OK to change the name of the selected window.
Image 7-15
Click on change name
Image 7-16
Name change prompt window
7.9 Changing the window mode
Different window modes
The following modes are available:
• Single mode : for a normal window used anywhere on the display.
• Multiple background : to fill the complete background of display. That window cannot be moved or
scaled. Z-ordering is still possible.
Mode selection
1. Select the window you want to change the mode.
2. Click on the modify window icon.
The Window Mode window appears.
3. Click on the drop down box next to mode and select the desired mode.
The following modes are possible:
- Single mode
- Multiple background mode
4. Do you want to change to Single mode?
If yes, Click on Single mode and click OK.
If no, go to step 5
5. Select Multiple Background.
An extra item appears about the background.
You can construct the background with:
- independent (hard edged) sources: two inputs connected in tandem will be combined together to
form the background. The overla
p will be organized be the ViewScape.
- overlapped sources: one input is used as the overlap is realized inside the source.
6. Click OK to continue.
If a background was previously installed, a message to uninstall the previous background will be dis-
played. (image 7-17)
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