The Unit has two serial ports. Each may be used for four different purposes:
1. ENTERPRISE Series Remote IP Console Log—outputs log from the Unit’s serial port.
The following is an example of format of the log output:
“@ Tue, 14 Aug 2001 15:34:37 -400 INFO:
System startup. (Previously up at: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 15:32:32 -400)
@ Tue, 14 Aug 2001 15:34:22 -400 INFO:
Random words are 76/160 (47%) ones (passed test).”
The Unit’s log can also be read from the web interface.
2. Telnet—allows remote telnet user to connect to serial device. The user must connect
the serial cable to the serial device, configure the serial port, and start “Telnet” to
the device through the Unit. The Unit is transparent in this mode and allows
bidirectional link.
3. Watchdog—detects and logs the presence or absence of a string.
Watchdog pattern (string): Each line of input (to the Unit) will be matched against
this simple string. Only lines that contain this string will be logged in Watchdog
mode. If this field is empty, then all lines will be logged.
Watchdog mode: Choose what to do with lines that match the pattern. See
“Monitoring Settings” section to configure what happens with the alert.
Watchdog timeout: Period of time during which a matching string must be seen,
before an error condition is considered to have occurred. Used only with Watchdog
mode “Alert if missing”.
4. Power Control—connects to a serial device to turn off/on power to the controlled
device. This feature is ideal for controlling power bars with serial protocol
capabilities. Choose the make and model from the web browser interface and click
to reset the power to target.
Serial Port Configuration
Fig. 17
Serial Port 1 (DB9 Female)
This port has all the signals of a typical RS232 serial port (Fig. 18). This port can be
fully configured from the web interface in the serial interface configuration menu.
Fig. 18
Serial Port 2 (8-pin miniDIN)
Port 2 is an RS232 port with minimum handshaking support (see Fig. 19). Port 2 also
has an added capability to control contact closure power bars as well as serial
protocol-capable power bars (see belkin.com for list of supported devices). A breakout
cable can connect to the rear-panel 8-pin miniDIN while providing a DB9 and an RJ11
on the other end. The DB9 provides the RS232 output and the RJ11 provides the
necessary connections to control contact closure power bars. See Fig. 19 of the
breakout cable.
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