
Note: The settings for P1 and P2 are identical, except for the flow control setting, which
only applies to P1. Accordingly, from this point forward, ports will be referred to as PX or
Port X (Fig. 22).
Port X - Baud Rate Settings
Fig. 22
2. PX - Flow Control (Port 1 Only)
Options: None, CTS, and RTS.
3. Serial Port X Mode
Options: ENTERPRISE Series Remote IP Console Log, Telnet, Watchdog, Power
Control (Port 1 only). For an explanation of these functions, please see page 21.
4. PX - Watchdog Mode
Use this function to choose what to do with lines that match the pattern. Your
options are to “Log lines”, “Alert if found”, or “Alert if missing”. For more
information on configuring what happens when there is an alert, see the
“Monitoring Settings”.
5. PX - Watch Pattern:
Each line of input (to the Unit) will be matched against this simple string. Only
lines that contain this string will be logged in Watchdog mode. If this field is
empty, then all lines will be logged.
6. PX - Watchdog Timeout:
This is the period of time during which a matching string must be seen, before an
error condition is considered to have occurred. It should be used only with
Watchdog mode “Alert if missing”.
Local User Control
To access the “Local User Control” menu (below), call up the main menu by hitting
the appropriate hot key combination (the default is “Print Screen” + “Print Screen”)
and selecting “Local User Control” (Fig. 23):
Local User Control Menu
1. Reset Local Keyboard and Mouse
2. Resync Mouse Position
3.–4.Mouse Threshold and Acceleration
These two values determine the speed of the local mouse. When the mouse is
moved faster than “threshold”, its movement will be accelerated by
“acceleration” factor. None of this has any impact on remote users via VNC or
java viewer.
Port X - Baud rate settings
1 a) PX - Baud Rate: 56k, 115.2K, 300, 2400, 4800, 9600,
19200, 38400
b) PX - Data bits: 8 bits, 7 bits
c) PX - Parity: None, Mark, Space, Odd, Even
d) PX - Stop bits: 1 stop bit, 2 stop bits
e) PX - Flow Control: None, CTS & RTS
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