
Enhanced Wireless Modem Router
SECTIONSTable of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 106
1. WAN IP Address – Enter an IP address assigned by your ISP for
the Router WAN interface�
2. Subnet Mask - Enter a subnet mask assigned by your ISP�
3. Use Static Default Gateway - Enter a default gateway IP address�
If the Router cannot find the destination address within its local
network, it will forward the packets to the default gateway assigned
by your ISP�
4. VPI/VCI - Enter your Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) and Virtual Circuit
Identifier (VCI) parameter here� These identifiers are assigned by
your ISP�
5. Encapsulation - Select LLC or VC MUX your ISP uses�
Click “Apply Changes” to save and activate your settings� To go back to
the original settings before saving, click “Clear Changes”� Or click any of
the Quick-Navigation links for other options� Your new settings will not
be saved unless your click “Apply Changes”�
Setting your Connection Type to Modem Only (Disable Internet
In this mode, the Router simply acts as a bridge passing packets across
the DSL port� It requires additional software to be installed on your
computers in order to access the Internet�
1. Enable Bridge Service – Check this box to enable bridge service
2. VPI/VCI – Enter your Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) and Virtual Circuit
Identifier (VCI) parameters here� (Assigned by your ISP)�
3. Encapsulation – Select the LLC or VC MUX your ISP uses�
Click “Apply Changes” to save and activate your settings� To go back to
the original settings before saving, click “Clear Changes”� Or click any of
the Quick-Navigation links for other options� Your new settings will not
be saved unless your click “Apply Changes”�