
Enhanced Wireless Modem Router
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Changing the Wireless Security Settings
Your Router is equipped with the latest security standard called Wi-Fi
Protected Access™ 2 (WPA2™) and the legacy security standard called
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)� Your Router also supports the Wi-Fi
Protected Setup™ (WPS) specification, which simplifies the setup of a
wireless network� WPS uses familiar methodologies, such as typing in
a Personal Identification Number (PIN) or pushing a button, to enable
users to automatically configure network names and strong WPA2 data
encryption and authentication� By default, your Router does not ship
with security enabled� You may automatically configure the security
settings using WPS� To change the security settings manually, you
will need to determine which standard you want to use� To access the
security settings, click “Security” on the “Wireless” tab�
Changing the Wireless Security Settings
Your Router is equipped with the latest security standard called Wi-Fi
Protected Access™ 2 (WPA2™) and the legacy security standard called
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)� Your Router also supports the Wi-Fi
Protected Setup™ (WPS) specification, which simplifies the setup of a
wireless network� WPS uses familiar methodologies, such as typing in
a Personal Identification Number (PIN) or pushing a button, to enable
users to automatically configure network names and strong WPA2 data
encryption and authentication� By default, your Router does not ship
with security enabled� You may automatically configure the security
settings using WPS� To change the security settings manually, you
will need to determine which standard you want to use� To access the
security settings, click “Security” on the “Wireless” tab�