BSX Isolated Audio Entry System
PD-142 Issue 1 Installation and Operating Manual Page 22 of 32
Troubleshooting Call Problems
Use this section to troubleshoot problems with establishing a call (ringing and answering a
phone) discovered during basic testing (Pg). As there are many possible causes testing
should follow the four sections below in the sequence suggested.
1. Preliminary Checks
Phone does not ring when called.
Ensure Phone is not muted.
Ensure Phone is on the hook
Check Ring volume PCB jumper is present
Phone does not flash when called
Check phone is on hook.
Phones with a ring LED need 12V on V.
Phone resets when called (BS-LX).
(Both lamps come on together)
Cable too long or poor connection.
Phone is ringing but there is no ring
tone at the door panel.
Only Models 801 or BS-LX have this function
R connection missing or faulty
Speech volume turned down on Model 61.
2. Testing Push Button Operation
Push the first call button on the entrance panel and verify the corresponding phone
LED on the control PCB lights up.
Before testing the next button press the test button on the PCB to cancel the call.
If all Phone LEDs light up in response to the correct push button then proceed to the
Section “Testing the Phone connections”, otherwise proceed with the next section (3).
3. Checking for Button Wiring Faults
First unplug all PCB connectors except the power connector (and the ribbon connector
to the second PCB if present).
Check SW1-5 is set correctly for each BSX control PCB (Page 14).
Now use a short length of wire to simulate each button input according to the matrix
shown in the “Wiring to Door – Push Buttons” (Page 28).
E.g. to simulate button 1, momentarily short 'B1' to '1'.
If each phone LED (on the BSX control PCB) lights in response to the corresponding
input this verifies correct operation of the BSX2 control PCB; accordingly the fault
(identified in section 1 above) must be in the pushbutton connections or associated
wiring; use continuity testing to isolate the fault.
4. Testing the Phone Connections
(phone does not ring when called)