
BSX Isolated Audio Entry System
PD-142 Issue 1 Installation and Operating Manual Page 5 of 32
The BSX2 Door Entry Telephone System is designed for low rise blocks of flats in both the
public and private housing sectors. It provides the means for visitors to call an individual
resident within the building and to establish two-way speech communication (full duplex)
with them. The resident is allowed full control over the callers’ access to the building
entrance by means of an electric lock or lock release.
The BSX2 control Unit provides Full Isolation between individual dwellings so that any
damage sustained to an individual telephone or its associated cable will not affect the
operation of the rest of the system. The isolation also ensures that conversations are
totally private.
The BSX2 is available in four models with a capacity of up to 16 phones and 2 entrances.
For larger systems please refer to the digibell digital door entry system.
High Quality Full Duplex Speech
Full Isolation between Phones
Privacy of Speech
Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) compliance
Vandal Resistant Stainless Steel Entrance Panels
Output for Fail-safe, Fail-secure Lock releases
Programmable Lock and Speech Time
Trades facility
Fully programmable Time Clock with auto BST adjustment
Compatible with Models 801, 801S, BS-LX Phones
Re-assurance Tone output for Call and Lock operation
Ringer Mute (801S and BS-LX phone)
Door Status Indication (BS-LX phone)
Egress facility
Lockable Steel Cabinets
Battery Standby
Diagnostic LEDs
Removable connectors for ease of installation
CW1308 cable