BSX Isolated Audio Entry System
PD-142 Issue 1 Installation and Operating Manual Page 12 of 32
Engaged lamp output
The engaged lamp output is on when the other door is busy (ringing or talking to a flat).
The output can be used drive a busy indicator.
Electric Door Release
When installing lock releases please allow a little movement on the door, as operation will
be impaired if fitted too tight.
The Control PCB provides a single pair of outputs for electric lock releases or maglocks. A
switch on the control PCB selects fail safe or fail secure, refer to the “Door Controller
'FAIL-SECURE' lock releases require power to release the door and therefore will secure
the door in the event of power failure.
'FAIL SAFE' lock releases and maglocks both require continuous power to lock the door
and thus will release the door if power fails.
Both outputs are specified at 12v DC with a maximum current consumption of 1A. For
electric lock releases of other types or specifications please contact the manufacturer for
information on interface adaptors.
N.B. Magnetic locks (maglocks) must be fitted with a suppressor at the lock terminals.
Some manufacturers fit an internal suppressor.
Trades Button
The Trades button is used in conjunction with the time clock to allow the door to be
opened directly during certain hours. The Trades button is internally wired via the time
clock to the Exit+ input. See “Exit Button” for further details.
Connections to the Phones
The phone connections are provided on the controller PCB. The connections are dual
numbered, that is Phone 1 (9), Phone 2 (10) etc. The left hand PCB is always 1-8 and the
right hand PCB if present is 9-16
There are 5 connections to each 801 phone and 7 connections to each BS-LX phone. A
separate cable must be used for each phone.
Connections to each phone are protected with relays and fuses and have a diagnostic
LED indication.
Door Monitoring Phone
For door monitoring the model BS-LX phone should be used. These phones are to be
connected with 7 wires. The controller has terminals marked 'DOOR +/-’ and this can be
wired to either normally open or normally closed door contacts. There is a switch setting
to select which type of contact is used.
Door Open Switch
The door open switch is used to provide an indication at the phone that the door has been
left open. This switch can have closed contacts when the door is closed or open contacts
when the door is closed, the choice being made in BSX2 Controller Settings Page 14. The
default of ‘contacts closed when door is open’ must be selected when this feature is not