Section 5
5.31 Definition of Load Systems
This section describes the specifications necessary for defining
various load systems, for automatic generation of Moving loads,
UBC Seismic loads and Wind loads. In addition, this section also
describes the specification of Time History load for Time History
STAAD has built-in algorithms to generate moving loads, lateral
seismic loads (per the Uniform Building Code), and wind loads on
a structure. Use of the load generation facility consists of two
1) Definition of the load system(s).
2) Generation of primary load cases using previously defined
load system(s).
Definition of the load system(s) must be provided before any
primary load case is specified. This section describes the
specification of load system(s). Information on how to generate
primary load cases using the defined load system(s) is available in
Section 5.32.12.
Section 1.17
UBC loads do not fully consider the effects of forces at inclined
support directions or at slave joint directions. Applying forces at
these locations may introduce errors that are generally small.