STAAD Commands and Input Instructions
Section 5
This parameter alters the stiffness of the
K small stiffness = A stiffness matrix value, f7, that is added to
the global matrix at each translational
direction for joints connected to cables and
nonlinear trusses for every load step. If
entered, use 0.0 to 1.0. Default is 0.0 . This
parameter alters the stiffness of the structure.
STAAD allows multiple analyses in the same run. Multiple
analyses may be used for the following purposes:
1) Successive analysis and design cycles in the same run result in
optimized design. STAAD automatically updates changes in
member cross-sectional sizes. Thus the entire process is
Refer to Example 1 in the Getting Started & Examples manual
for detailed illustration.
2) Multiple analyses may be used for load-dependent structures.
For example, structures with bracing members are analyzed in
several steps. The bracing members are assumed to take
Tension load only. Thus, they need to be activated and
inactivated based on the direction of lateral loading.
The entire process can be modeled in one STAAD run using
multiple PERFORM ANALYSIS commands. STAAD is
capable of performing a design based on the load combinations
Refer to Example 4 in the Getting Started & Examples manual
for detailed illustration.
3) The user may also use Multiple Analyses to model change in
other characteristics like SUPPORTS, RELEASES, SECTION
4) Multiple Analyses may require use of additional commands
like the SET NL command and the CHANGE command.