Destination IP address Range: The destination IP address or range of packets to be monitored.
Destination Port: The destination port of packets to be monitored.
DSCP Marking: Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP), it is the rst 6 bits in the ToS byte.
DSCP Marking allows users to assign specic application trafc to be executed in priority by the
next Router based on the DSCP value. See Table 4 for DSCP Mapping Table.
Note: To be sure the router(s) in the backbones network have the capability in executing and
checking the DSCP through-out the QoS network.
Table 4: DSCP Mapping Table
DSCP Mapping Table
(Wireless) ADSL Router Standard DSCP
Disabled None
Best Effort Best Effort (000000)
Premium Express Forwarding (101110)
Gold service (L) Class 1, Gold (001010)
Gold service (M) Class 1, Silver (001100)
Gold service (H) Class 1, Bronze (001110)
Silver service (L) Class 2, Gold (010010)
Silver service (M) Class 2, Silver (010100)
Silver service (H) Class 2, Bronze (010110)
Bronze service (L) Class 3, Gold (011010)
Bronze service (M) Class 3, Silver (011100)
Bronze service (H) Class 3, Bronze (011110)
Outbound IP Throttling (LAN to WAN)
IP Throttling allows you to limit the speed of IP trafc. The value entered will limit the speed of the
application that you set to the specied value’s multiple of 32kbps.
Name: User-dene description to identify this new policy/name.
Time Schedule: Scheduling your prioritization policy. Refer to Time Schedule for more