Inbound: Internet to LAN
Outbound: LAN to Internet
YES: Allowed
NO: Blocked
N/A: Not Applicable
Packet Filter – Add TCP/UDP Filter
Rule Name Helper: Users-dene description to identify this entry or click “Select” drop-down
menu to select existing predened rules. The maximum name length is 32 characters.
Time Schedule: It is self-dened time period. You may specify a time schedule for your
prioritization policy. For setup and detail, refer to Time Schedule section
Source IP Address(es) / Destination IP Address(es): This is the Address-Filter used to allow or
block trafc to/from particular IP address(es). Selecting the Subnet Mask of the IP address range
you wish to allow/block the trafc to or form; set IP address and Subnet Mask to to inactive
the Address-Filter rule.
Tip: To block access, to/from a single IP address, enter that IP address as the Host IP Address
and use a Host Subnet Mask of “”.
Type: It is the packet protocol type used by the application, select TCP, UDP or both TCP/UDP.
Protocol Number: Insert the port number.
Source Port: This Port or Port Ranges denes the port allowed to be used by the Remote/WAN to
connect to the application. Default is set from range 0 ~ 65535. It is recommended that this option
be congured by an advanced user.
Destination Port: This is the Port or Port Ranges that denes the application.
Inbound / Outbound: Select Allow or Block the access to the Internet (“Outbound”) or from the
Internet (“Inbound”).
Click Add button to apply your changes.