BK Precision 4071 User Manual Rev.2.2
5.19 Arbitrary Mode
In Arbitrary generator mode the user could design custom waveform on PC, then download it to 4071 memory
over RS-232 serial port to synthesize signal. Continuous or trigger triggering modes are available. Signal Clock,
output level and DC offset values could be manually entered from the front panel keypad in this mode. For complete
details on the Arbitrary Mode, refer to section 7.0 of this manual.
5.20 Remote Mode
Remote mode menu allowed the user to specify the RS-232 baud rate or to disable the port. It is recommended to
disable the port when a device connected to the RS-232 port and you do not want characters that it may send to the
4071 to affect the operation of the unit.
The Remote Mode displays the menu:
You may scroll through a list of the available baud rates by rotating the wheel or pressing an arrow key. You may
also specify a particular baud rate directly by pressing a number key according to the table below:
0 - Disable the RS-232 port
1 - 300
2 - 1200
3 - 2400
4 - 4800
5 - 9600
6 - 19200
7 - 38400
8 - 57600
9 - 115200
To abort this question without affecting the current setting, press any key other a number or an arrow.
Disabling the serial port causes the 4071 to ignore all incoming characters from the serial port. Disabling RS-232
port does not affect the output of information, i.e. the 4071 will still output characters to the RS-232 port.
NOTE: The baud rate is not permanently changed unless the instrument setup is saved using the RECALL/STORE
key. On power-up, the instrument setup is recalled from location 0. You may therefore change the power-up baud
rate of the instrument by selecting a baud rate and then saving the instrument setup to location 0.
This menu does not change any other RS-232 parameters. The port is always set to 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop
bit, and no parity. For information on remote control operation of the 4071, refer to chapter 6.0 “Remote Operation.”
5.21 Other mode
This mode displays a menu of extended modes that are available on the 4071. It is used to present additional
operating modes that are not printed on the front keypad. Pressing Mode key once and then the Clear key access
other Mode menu:
You can scroll through the list of available selections using the arrow keys. The ê or è key scrolls the display to
higher selection numbers and the é or ç key scrolls the menu to lower selection numbers. You may also turn the
wheel to scroll the menu forward or backward.
To select a mode listed in the menu, press its number key. To abort the menu and return to the previous mode,
press any key other than an arrow or 0 to 9.
Use 0-9, arrow keys, or knob to select
< > to scroll 2.Dualtone