BK Precision 4071 User Manual Rev.2.2
F0-9 - Move cursor to field 0 to 9
This command is used to move the cursor directly to the specified field number. Each parameter field on the LCD
display has an associated number with it, starting with 1 and increasing as you move from left to right, then top to
bottom. For example, the Sweep mode has seven fields:
Each field is numbered as follows:
Field 1 - St: 1,000,000.00 Hz
Field 2 - Stp: 31,500,000.00 Hz
Field 3 - Linear
Field 4 - Trig
Field 5 - Up
Field 6 - Time: 10,000 mS
Field 7 - 10.0 dBm
Field 0 has special meaning: turn the cursor off. When the cursor is off, the parameter values for a mode cannot be
changed. Turning the cursor off can be used to safeguard parameter values from being changed by inadvertent key
presses or turns of the rotary knob.
When the cursor is moved to a field other than 0, the cursor is always positioned in the rightmost position (least
significant digit position) of that field.
If a field value is entered that is out-of-range (i.e. you try to set the cursor to field 8 in Sweep mode), the cursor
will be turned off.
NOTE: When writing control software, it is preferable to use this command to move the cursor instead of the "N"
(next cursor field) or "P" (previous cursor field) commands. This command ensures that the cursor goes directly to
the desired field, regardless of where it was before the command was issued.
? or H - Print help menu
This command prints the on-line help menu. The menu is a listing of all remote control commands. To issue this
command you may press either the "H" or the "?" keys on your terminal.
^E - Return a ^C
Sending an ASCII control E character (ASCII value 5) to the 4071 will cause it to echo back a control C (ASCII
value 3). Remote control programs could use this future to confirm current settings of remotely controlled 4071.
Linear | Trig | Up | Time: 10,000 mS -10.0 dBm