BOSCH Security Systems
| 04-2003 | 3922 988 43318 en
Digital Congress Network
| Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 1 - Introduction to DCN
| 1-4
Quick reference to DCN’s functions
1.7 Quick reference to DCN’s functions
Stand-alone System
A discussion system; delegates control their own microphone actions - without the need of a non-
participating operator. Discussion systems cater for smaller groups, although the number of delegates
can be extended to the total capacity of the DCN system. A discussion system therefore is ideal for
small meeting halls, boardrooms, and hotels etc. where clear and concise speech intelligibility through
sound amplification is required.
PC Controlled System
Delegates’ microphone actions are controlled by a none participating operator using a personal
Microphone Management
Method by which delegates/operator control the microphone units. Microphone Management
control therefore is needed in order to conduct civilised and disciplined discussions/conferences.
The DCN system has its own built-in standard microphone control functions. These functions are
usually sufficient for use in discussion groups using a stand-alone system. In conference systems
however a central PC operator has extended microphone management capabilities when using
DCN’s dedicated microphone management software.
Microphone Management Operation Modes:
The OPEN mode allows up to 1, 2 or 4 delegates (Active Micros) to control the on/off state of
their own microphones unit simultaneously without the use of operator intervention. When more
than the number of Active Micros has been reached, delegates requesting to speak join a request-
to-speak list.
The Override mode allows up to 1, 2 or 4 delegates to speak on a FIRST-IN FIRST-OUT basis i.e
Override. With the override mode, their is no request-to-speak list, only the pre-selected number
of Active Micro’s may be switched on simultaneously. This means that if another delegate should
switch on his microphone unit, the microphone of the first delegate having joined the group will
be switched off, allowing the latest delegate to join in the discussion.
The ‘Voice’ activation mode is an automatic method for activating the microphones of the dele-
gate and chairman units by voice. The maximum number of voice activated units available for
selection in a stand-alone system is 2 or 4. This mode of operation is intended for free discussion
amongst participating delegates. For enhanced operation an additional Public Address system is
highly recommended.
DCN Software packages
1.8.1 Microphone Management software
Microphone management software provides a text-based solution (delegates’ names) for managing
delegates’ microphones. Run under Windows® the operator controls the delegates’ microphone
operations through menus.
The Microphone Management software offers five modes of microphone control:
• Operator with *Request-to-speak list (MANUAL)
• Operator with *Request and **Response list
• Delegate with *Request-to-speak list (OPEN)
• Delegate control with override (of other delegates’ microphones)
*A Request-to-speak list is a list of delegates waiting to speak. To join the list delegates first press
their microphone keys. If the maximum number of delegates are already speaking the delegates
then joins the list. The number of delegates allowed to speak at the same time is set to 1,2,3, or
** A response list is a list of delegates that need to react immediately to a current speaker.
Response requests are positioned at the top of the request list.
• Delegate with Voice activation
For more information refer to the LBB 3570 software manual
1.8.2 Synoptic Microphone Control
Synoptic microphone control software provides a graphical solution using pictograms of microphone
units. Run under Windows® the operator controls microphone units by simply pointing and clicking a
mouse on the desired unit. Synoptic microphone control is icon based. It relies on the location of
seats and uses pictograms that show icons with seat numbers or with names.
For more information refer to the LBB 3571 software manual
1.8.3 Simultaneous Interpretation
Interpretation is the term used where the language of the floor speaker is interpreted by interpreters
using interpreter desks into the languages of the other conference participants.
For more information refer to the LBB 3572 software manual