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Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 1 - Introduction to DCN
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Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms
1.9 Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms
ACN-1, ACN-2, ACN-3 Integrated Circuit (IC)
Active unit Sends data on the up link and receives data on the down link
Allow cancel request A pre-programmed system interlock, allowing the delegate to cancel a
Allow mic. off facility A pre-programmed system interlock, allowing delegates to switch off
their microphone units without consent
CCU Central Control Unit
Chairman One who presides over or heads a meeting or conference
Contribution Participation within a meeting or conference using contribution units
Central Operator One who controls and organises a meeting or conference from a per-
sonal computer (PC)
Data Communication Communication of data between microprocessor controlled units
DCN Digital Congress Network
Delegate A representative to a conference
Distribution The distribution to delegates of interpreted languages
End of Voting End of Voting Displayed on the delegate unit to inform delegates that
the voting session has ended
Flush-mounted Units that are built into tabletops or the arm rests of seats
Hold Voting session on hold or temporarily halted
Information display Display showing related conference information
Interlocks Pre-programmed settings for use in interpretation procedures
Interpretation The art of interpreting one language into another
Interpretation (simultaneous) The art of interpreting one language into
another at the same time
Interpreter One who translates orally for people speaking in different languages
Network cabling See Trunk-line
Multi-CCU Systems using more than one CCU, linked using a Multi-CCU link.
PC Personal Computer
PCF Power Consumption Factor
PCF value The value assigned to a specific unit or system
PRAEDIC Professional Audio Encoder Decoder IC.
Passive Unit DCN unit that Receives data on the down link only
Rack-mounted Defines units that are capable of being mounted in a 19-inch cabinet
Request accepted Displayed on a delegate unit informing the delegate the delegate that
his request-to-speak has been accepted
Request Initiated by a delegate requesting to speak
Request cancelled Displayed on delegate units informing the delegate that his request-to-
speak has been cancelled or rejected
Voting session restarted after being on Hold
Initiated by a delegate wishing to respond.
Speaker Floor speaker
Speak now Displayed on delegate units to inform the delegate that he may speak
Trunk-line Cabling between units run in a loop-through chain
Trunk-outlet Used for trunk-cable splitting and pulse regeneration purposes
Table-top Units placed on top of a table or similar type surface
Voting To cast one vote, exercise a choice or decision, express an opinion
Voting on-hold Displayed on a delegate unit when a voting session has been tempo-
rarily suspended