EN | 48 Bosch Security Systems | December 13, 2005
Arm/Disarm All Alarms
Press [Alarm Control], located on the main Allegiant menu screen to enter the menu
screen containing these options. When using the IntuiKey keyboard:
•To arm all alarms currently controlled on the monitor, press [Arm All Alarms].
•To disarm all alarms, press [Disarm All Alarms].
When using the LTC 8555 Series keyboard:
•To arm all alarms, press [User]. Then, press [Alarm] and then press [ON].
•To disarm all alarms, press [OFF].
Arm/Disarm Monitor
When using the IntuiKey keyboard:
•Press [Alarm Control], located on the main Allegiant menu screen to enter the
screen with these options.
•To arm the monitor currently controlled, press [Arm Monitor].
•To disarm the monitor, press [Disarm Monitor].
When using the LTC 8555 Series keyboard:
•To arm the monitor, press [User]. Then, press [Monitor] and then press [ON] to
arm all alarms.
•To disarm all alarms, press [OFF].
NOTE Alarm video appears on a monitor only if the monitor is armed and the alarm is
armed for that monitor. The monitor status display (if enabled) will show
(monitor armed).
Alarms Acknowledgement
Bell [Ack] is provided so system operators can respond to alarms from the keyboard.
Press Bell [Ack] when the keyboard is beeping (due to an alarm condition) to silence
the beeper. Depending on alarm configuration programming, subsequent pressing
of Bell [Ack] either clears an alarm video from the monitors or has no effect.
16.6 Sequence Control
Load/Clear a Sequence
To loa d a previously programmed sequence to run on your monitor, press Load
Sequence [Seq], enter the desired sequence number (1 to 60), then press [Enter].
Note that loading a sequence does not automatically start the sequence running.
Since sequences may be programmed to use more than one monitor, all required
monitors must be available. If a sequence is already on a monitor, the operator who
loaded it originally (or an operator with a higher priority) is permitted to load a new
sequence on the monitor(s). Others will receive an error message.
To clear a monitor sequence, press Load sequence [Seq], then press [Enter]. Only
the operator who originally loaded it (or an operator with a higher priority) is per-
mitted to clear a monitor sequence. Others will receive an error message. If enabled,
the status display area of the monitor indicates the sequence number in the appro-
priate location. If no sequence is currently loaded, 00 is displayed.