Sequence Programming
EN | 51
Continue entering camera, monitor, and dwell times in this fashion until finished. If
you only want to store the sequence for future use and then exit the programming
mode, press Exit / Save [Prog]. Press Exit / Run [Run], to exit the programming
mode, store the sequence into memory, and start the sequence running. The
switcher steps through the five (5) steps in the order shown, and repeats the
sequence when it reaches the last step.
To pro gr am a se qu en ce to run once through all its steps and then stop, enter the
value 62 for the dwell time in the last step and press [Enter]. The dwell display will
change to STP, meaning stop. To program a sequence to run once through all its
steps and then unload itself, enter the value 63 for the dwell time in the last step, and
press [Enter]. The dwell display will change to ULD, meaning unload.
To edi t an existing sequence, press Program Sequence [Prog], enter the existing
sequence number, then press [Enter]. You can insert a line into a sequence by navi-
gating down to the line where inserting a new line, and press Insert Step [ON]. A
new line identical to the one you are on is added to the next step. To delete a step,
navigate to the line to be deleted, and press Delete Current Step [OFF]. To delete all
steps below the line you are viewing, press Delete From Here To End [Lock]. (Be
careful with this feature!)
It is also possible to erase a sequence: Press Delete From Here To End [Lock] while
on the first line of the sequence. Then press Delete Current Step [OFF]. The
sequence will be erased, and the programming mode is automatically exited.
Sequence Function Summary
All programming key functions for the LTC 8555 Series are summarized in the fol-
lowing table:
Key Description
PROG Selects or terminates program mode
CLEAR Clears current entry
ENTER Stores current entry
PREV Stores entry and move up one step
NEXT Stores entry and move down one step; add new
step if necessary
ON Insert step before current step
OFF Delete current step
UP Move up one step
DOWN Move down one step, if step already exists
LEFT Move prompt left one cell
RIGHT Move prompt right one cell
LOCK Erase all steps after current step
RUN Exit, store, load, and run current sequence