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DCN Wireless | Installation and User Instructions | Central Devices en | 45
10.5.4 Headphones
You can connect headphones to the headphones socket
of the central control unit. The headphones must have a
3.5 mm plug (refer to figure 10.7).
You can select the signal that is available on the
headphones socket with the configuration menu (refer
to 10.6.5).
10.5.5 Audio inputs
You can connect an external analog audio source to the
audio inputs of the central control unit. The central
control unit has two audio inputs. Each audio input has
(refer to figure 10.8):
• 1 XLR socket for balanced signals. The electric
circuits behind the XLR sockets contain
• 1 double cinch socket for unbalanced signals.
figure 10.7: 3.5 mm headphones plug, connection
table 10.12: 3.5 mm headphones plug, connection
Number Signal
2 Common
You can also connect mono headphones to the
headphones socket.
2 3 1
The audio inputs change stereo signals in mono
figure 10.8: Audio input, connection
table 10.13: Audio input, connection
Pin Type Signal Description
1 XLR Xternal Shield/ground
2 Live Positive
3 Return Negative
4 Cinch Live Signal in
5 Return Shield/ground