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DCN Wireless | Installation and User Instructions | Central Devices en | 72
12.6.5 Mix-minus
In the Mix-minus mode, audio output 2 and audio input
2 of the central control unit are used to connect 2
systems (refer to figure 12.4). Use the Mix-minus mode to
connect the audio of two systems. The Mix-minus
connection does not cause acoustic feedback.
When you connect two systems:
• Go to menu item 4E Routing I/O 2 to set the systems
in the Mix minus mode.
• Connect audio input 2 of the first system to audio
output 2 of the second system.
• Connect audio output 2 of the first system to audio
input 2 of the second system.
12.7 Attention chimes
The central control unit can play an attention chime
when the chairman:
• Pushes the priority button on the chairman device.
• Starts a voting session.
You can enable or disable attention chimes with the
4F Att. Tones menu item (refer also to 10.6.8). There are
3 different attention chimes available.
12.8 Erase requests-to-speak and
The central control unit can erase the requests-to-speak
and speakers when the chairman pushes the priority
button on the chairman device. You can enable or
disable this function with the 4G Mic. Priority menu item
(refer to 10.6.8).
• If you set the menu item to Permanently off, the
system does not activate the microphones of the
delegates again when the chairman releases the
priority button. The requests-to-speak and speakers
are erased.
• If you set the menu item to Temporarily off, the
system activates the microphones of the delegates
again when the chairman releases the priority
button. The requests-to-speak and speakers are not
12.9 Floor distribution
The central control unit can send the floor signal to all
empty channels in the system. You can enable or
disable this function with the 4H Floor Distr. menu item
(refer to 10.6.8).
• If you set the menu item to Off, the central control
unit does not send the floor signal to all empty
signals in the system.
• If you set the menu item to On, the central control
unit sends the floor signal to all empty channels in
the system.
figure 12.4: Mix-minus
When the distance between the two systems is
great, you can use a telephone coupler to
connect the two systems.
Optical network
Interpretation devices
C Contribution devices