
The operator can see which delegate is has been waiting longest to speak, as
this microphone is represented by a flashing green icon. The operator can
grant active status to this delegate, or indeed any other delegate on the
request-to-speak list. The microphone of the delegate who has been speak-
ing longest is automatically switched off to make room. The maximum
number of active microphones (speakers) can be preset by the operator.
When a participant presses the microphone on/off key on the delegate unit,
it is indicated as a ‘request-to-speak’ on the unit with a flashing green LED.
No further action is required, and when the delegate receives active status,
the microphone is automatically switched on (indicated by an illuminated
red LED).
Microphone control by operator with request and response list - is also
intended for formal, highly-structured meetings, and is similar to micro-
phone control by operator with request list. However, as well as joining a
‘request-to-speak’ list, it is now possible for a delegates to make a response
request using the middle soft key on his/her DCN delegate conference unit.
This is useful in situations where a delegate wants to give a prompt answer
to a matter raised by the speaker. This request will be given temporary pri-
ority, and the delegate’s microphone will be represented by a flashing yellow
icon. When such a response request is promoted to active status, the current
speaker is deactivated, and the response delegate’s microphone is switched
on. The maximum number of response requests is five, only one of which
can be active at any time.
Microphone control by delegate with request list - is useful in less formal
meetings where the order of speaking is determined by the participants and
not the operator. When delegates switch their microphones on, they are
automatically promoted to the speakers list, providing the speakers list is
not full. No operator action is required to control the conference, though it
is possible. The operator can turn microphones on by clicking on them, and
turn them off by clicking on them again. The operator can also specify the
length of the speakers list.
When the speakers list is full and delegates not on the speakers list turn
their microphones on, they are placed on the request-to-speak list. This list
is in chronological order, and the participant at the top of the list is auto-
matically promoted to active status when a currently active speaker switches
his/her microphone off. This automatic promotion also takes place when
the operator switches off the microphone of a delegate currently on the
speakers list. All other participants move up one place.
Digital Congress Network Synoptic Microphone Control
Page 1-5 Software User Manual