
Editing icons in a layout
The Synoptic Microphone Control main window includes an‘Edit’ menu
with commands for undoing commands and cutting, copying, pasting and
deleting icons. This menu also allows you to edit an icon’s seat number.
Individual or groups of icons can be cut, deleted, copied and pasted. To
select more than one icon:
Click on the first icon required.
Press and hold the <CTRL> key.
Click on further icons while holding the <ctrl> key.
When you have selected all icons you require:
Release the <CTRL> key.
Icons that have been selected will be coloured.
To de-select one or more icon in a group of selected icons:
Press and hold the <CTRL> key.
Click on the icon to be de-selected.
Release the <CTRL> key.
De-selected icons turn from coloured to grey.
Deleting icons - to delete icons from a synoptic layout:
Select the icon(s) to be deleted.
Select the ‘Edit’ menu and click on ‘Delete’.
If you make a mistake when editing a layout, the ‘Edit’ menu has an ‘Undo’
command. Clicking on this command will undo the last edit action, except in
the case of seat numbers. An altered seat number cannot be ‘undone’.
Cutting and pasting icons - if you want to move one or more icons from
one place to another on the layout, this can be done with the ‘Cut’ and
‘Paste’ commands. To do this:
Select the icon(s) to be moved.
Digital Congress Network Synoptic Microphone Control
Page 3-9 Software User Manual