DCN Next Generation System Startup en | 19
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2005 January | 9922 141 70512
It is possible to alter these settings using the ‘Multi
PC Settings...’ option in the ‘Global Settings’ menu.
When one user is altering the settings, any other user
can view them but not alter them.
i Note
Settings can only be changed if there are no
applications (except Startup) running on any
PC, and no other ‘Application Configuration’
screen is opened. Otherwise, you can view the
settings but not change them.
i Note
Settings can only be changed on the master
To alter the settings:
• Select the ‘Multi PC Settings...’ option from the
‘Global Settings’ menu.
The following window appears:
Figure 10 The ‘Application Configuration’ window.
Each application is represented by an icon with two
radio buttons underneath. One button is labeled
‘Master’, and the other is labeled ‘Slave’ or ‘Off’,
depending on whether slave functionality is possible
with that application. If there is no license for an
application, the icon and radio buttons will not be
i Note
An application cannot be directly changed from
‘Master’ to ‘Slave’ or from ‘Master’ to ‘Off’.
This alteration is only possible indirectly, by
changing the setting on another PC to ‘Master’
for the application.
To change the setting to ‘Master’:
• Click on the ‘Master’ radio button.
i Note
If an application is given master functionality on
another PC, its setting will automatically
change to either ‘Slave’ (if this functionality is
possible) or ‘Off’ on any PC where it previously
had master functionality.
i Note
For Message Distribution and Video Display,
both radio buttons are always inactive and the
‘Master’ radio button enabled, as these
applications can run on more than one PC as
When you have finished altering the settings:
• Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.
The following warning message appears:
‘Application settings will be changed. Are
you sure?’
• Click on the ‘Ok’ push button to save the
• Click on the ‘Cancel’ push button to remove the
message, without saving any changes.
3.1.6 Master/Slave functionality of modules
This section describes the differences in functionality
when modules are running as master or slave
System Installation
System Installation can only run in master mode and
can only be started on the server PC. The installation
mode can only be entered if there are no applications
apart from Startup running on client PCs. On client
PCs, you can only enter installation mode if there are
no applications apart from Startup running.
Otherwise it is only possible to start the module.
However, it is possible to enter installation mode on
the server PC if there are other applications running
on it. In this case the other applications are stopped
and restarted after leaving installation mode.
Furthermore, entering installation mode on the server
PC prevents any application (apart from Startup)
being started on any PC. If you try to start an
application on a client PC a warning message will
appear. If you try to start an application on the server