Problem Solution
Pilots not lighting ❏ Check that broiler is plugged in, gas valve is
open and broiler is turned on
❏ The 5-minute time limit was exceeded -
press the timer reset button
❏ Manually light if it is not a timer problem
❏ Check for ignition
❏ Check for clogged pilot
Main burners not
❏ Check for gas pressure, if there is pressure,
use the manual lighting procedure
❏ If no gas pressure, call for service
❏ Check for proper burner installation
❏ Check for plugged burner orifices
❏ Check for plugged pilot burner
Pilot not staying lit
❏ Hold in red pilot button longer
❏ Call for service as red pilot button or
thermocouple may need replacing
Broil chain jams
❏ Procedure to correct:
__ Push reset button on keypad once to
reverse chain
__ Push reset button a second time to run
chain forward
If chain jams again, check:
__ Arrestors for proper placement (Make
sure flex chamber arrestors are under
both chains)
__ For sag in the chain with arrestors in
place (Chain may need a link removed)
__ For an obstruction
Return chains not
❏ Verify that return chains have correct side up
with drive shaft coupling lined up with
engagement pin
❏ Check for sag in the return chain (May need
to have a link removed)
Always verify that the broiler is properly assembled, the hood is on, gas valve open and broiler is plugged in.
Nieco Corporation - Model 9025