8-6 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1206B-BC
Chapter 8 Creating Production Report
Display Example of Thread Breakage Information on Needle Bar
Displays the information on thread breakage occurrences with head numbers and needle bar
numbers. Three needle bars with frequent thread breakage are indicated.
Display Contents
No. of times thread is trimmed (*) Number of thread breakage occurrences per needle bar
No. of stitches (*) Number of stitches embroidered with the needle bar during the
specified period
Thread breakage rate (*) Thread breakage rate per 10,000 stitches (10000 x No. of times thread
is trimmed) /No. of stitches
Total (*) Total for all the heads or all the needle bars
Needle bar with frequent thread
breakage occurrence (*)
Three needle bars that have thread breakage frequently, in the
decreasing order of frequency
The items marked with "*" can be shown or hidden on the "Setting items to be displayed" screen.
Display in text
Display in graph
The number of thread breakage for each head is displayed with the graph by needle bar.
Click tab to display the thread breakage rate with the graph.