8-14 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1206B-BC
Chapter 8 Creating Production Report
Thread Breakage Information on Needle Bar
! Main items to be displayed
No. of thread breakage occurrences Number that thread breakage has occurred
No. of stitches Number of stitches used in embroidery
Thread breakage rate Rate of thread breakage for 10,000 stitches
! Sub items to be displayed
Displays the following for each item in main display items.
Total Total of the item for each head and each needle
Needle Bar with frequent
thread breakage occurrences
Data of three needles that have caused thread
breakage most frequently
Thread Breakage Information in Pattern
Head no. where thread breakage occurred Head number that has caused thread breakage
Needle bar no. where thread breakage occurred Needle number that has caused thread breakage
No. of stitches until thread breakage Number of stitches until thread breakage has occurred
Speed range Speed range when thread breakage has occurred