580D090 (7
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
2250 507 0.53 547 586 0.73 700 658 0.97 891 722 1.22 1097 752 1.34 1199 783 1.46 1301
2300 513 0.55 562 592 0.76 723 663 1.00 916 727 1.26 1131 756 1.38 1224 786 1.49 1327
2400 528 0.60 600 606 0.83 779 674 1.06 965 738 1.34 1199 766 1.46 1301 795 1.58 1404
2500 542 0.66 646 619 0.90 835 686 1.13 1022 748 1.41 1258 777 1.55 1370 806 1.68 1491
2550 550 0.69 669 627 0.94 867 692 1.17 1056 754 1.45 1292 783 1.60 1413 812 1.74 1543
2600 557 0.72 692 634 0.97 891 698 1.21 1089 759 1.49 1327 787 1.64 1456 816 1.79 1587
2700 573 0.79 747 648 1.05 956 711 1.29 1156 770 1.58 1404 798 1.73 1534 827 1.88 1665
2800 588 0.86 803 662 1.13 1022 723 1.38 1233 782 1.66 1473 809 1.82 1613 837 1.98 1753
2900 604 0.94 867 676 1.21 1089 737 1.48 1318 794 1.76 1560 821 1.92 1700 848 2.08 1840
3000 620 1.02 932 690 1.30 1165 750 1.58 1404 806 1.86 1648 832 2.02 1788 849 2.18 1927
3100 636 1.11 1006 704 1.39 1241 764 1.69 1499 818 1.97 1744 844 2.13 1884 870 2.29 2023
3200 652 1.21 1089 718 1.49 1327 778 1.80 1595 831 2.09 1849 856 2.25 1980 882 2.40 2119
3300 668 1.31 1173 732 1.59 1413 793 1.92 1700 844 2.21 1954 869 2.37 2093 894 2.53 2232
3400 684 1.41 1258 747 1.70 1508 807 2.04 1805 857 2.35 2076 882 2.51 2206 907 2.66 2343
3500 701 1.53 1361 762 1.82 1613 821 2.16 1910 871 2.48 2188 895 2.64 2326 919 2.80 2462
3600 717 1.65 1465 777 1.94 1718 835 2.29 2023 885 2.63 2317 908 2.79 2453 932 2.95 2587
3700 733 1.77 1569 792 2.07 1831 849 2.42 2136 899 2.78 2445 922 2.95 2579 945 3.11 2718
3750 742 1.84 1630 800 2.14 1892 856 2.49 2197 907 2.86 2512 929 3.03 2653 952 3.20 2719
580D090 (7
TONS)* (cont)
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
1.2 1.4 1.6
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
2250 843 1.81 1604 908 2.25 1989 955 2.59 2283
2300 846 1.84 1630 910 2.25 2015 959 2.61 2300
2400 853 1.88 1665 912 2.31 2041 967 2.68 2360
2500 859 1.94 1718 919 2.37 2093 971 2.73 2403
2550 864 1.99 1761 920 2.39 2110 974 2.76 2428
2600 868 2.04 1805 921 2.41 2136 976 2.78 2445
2700 878 2.16 1910 928 2.45 2162 983 2.88 2529
2800 889 2.29 2023 937 2.57 2266 986 2.91 2554
2900 900 2.41 2128 947 2.70 2377 993 3.01 2637
3000 910 2.52 2223 958 2.85 2504 1002 3.15 2751
3100 920 2.64 2326 968 2.99 2620 1012 3.30 2870
3200 931 2.76 2428 979 3.13 2735 1023 3.47 3002
3300 942 2.89 2537 989 3.26 2839 1034 3.63 3121
3400 954 3.02 2645 1000 3.40 2948 1044 3.79 3237
3500 966 3.15 2751 1011 3.55 3062 1054 3.94 3340
3600 978 3.30 2870 1022 3.69 3165 1065 4.10 3445
3700 990 3.45 2987 1034 3.84 3272 1076 4.26 3544
3750 997 3.54 3055 1040 3.93 3333 —— —
Bhp — Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
FIOP — Factory-Installed Option
Watts — Input Watts to Motor
*Standard drive range is 590 to 840 rpm. Alternate drive range is 685 to
935 rpm. All other rpms require a field-supplied drive.
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied motor and drive are required.
2. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils. See
page 52 for accessory/FIOP static pressure information.
3. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.4 and maximum continuous watts are
2120. Extensive motor and electrical testing on these units ensures
that the full range of the motor can be utilized with confidence. Using
your fan motors up to the wattage ratings shown will not result in nui-
sance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit warranty will not be
affected. See Evaporator-Fan Motor Performance table on page 55
for additional information.
4. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your
local representative for details.
5. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.