580D150 (12
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
3750 684 1.24 1162 755 1.48 1353 816 1.70 1540 875 1.94 1738 933 2.23 1988 989 2.49 2219
3800 691 1.28 1194 761 1.52 1390 822 1.75 1582 880 1.98 1776 937 2.28 2035 993 2.55 2272
3900 705 1.37 1267 773 1.62 1473 834 1.86 1674 891 2.08 1862 947 2.39 2131 1002 2.66 2370
4000 720 1.47 1349 786 1.71 1548 847 1.97 1768 902 2.19 1957 957 2.50 2228 1011 2.79 2485
4100 734 1.56 1423 800 1.82 1641 860 2.09 1871 914 2.31 2061 967 2.60 2316 1021 2.91 2593
4200 749 1.66 1506 813 1.92 1725 873 2.21 1974 926 2.44 2175 978 2.71 2414 1030 3.04 2710
4300 764 1.77 1598 826 2.04 1828 886 2.33 2079 938 2.57 2290 989 2.83 2521 1040 3.18 2837
4400 779 1.88 1691 840 2.16 1931 899 2.46 2193 951 2.71 2414 1000 2.96 2638 1050 3.31 2955
4500 793 1.99 1785 854 2.28 2035 912 2.59 2307 963 2.86 2548 1012 3.09 2755 1061 3.43 3065
4600 808 2.11 1888 868 2.42 2158 925 2.73 2459 975 3.00 2674 1024 3.25 2901 1071 3.56 3184
4700 822 2.24 2000 882 2.56 2281 937 2.86 2548 988 3.16 2819 1036 3.42 3056 1082 3.70 3313
4800 837 2.37 2114 896 2.71 2414 950 3.00 2674 1001 3.32 2964 1048 3.59 3212 1093 3.86 3461
4900 852 2.51 2237 910 2.86 2548 963 3.15 2810 1014 3.48 3111 1060 3.76 3368 1105 4.02 3609
5000 867 2.65 2361 924 3.01 2683 977 3.30 2946 1027 3.65 3267 1073 3.94 3535 1117 4.20 3776
5100 882 2.79 2485 938 3.17 2828 990 3.46 3092 1040 3.82 3424 1085 4.12 3702 1129 4.40 3962
5200 896 2.95 2629 952 3.33 2973 1003 3.63 3248 1053 4.00 3590 1098 4.30 3869 1141 4.60 4148
5300 911 3.11 2773 967 3.50 3129 1017 3.80 3405 1066 4.18 3757 1111 4.50 4055 1153 4.80 4335
5400 926 3.27 2919 981 3.68 3294 1030 3.98 3572 1079 4.35 3916 1124 4.70 4270 1166 5.01 4531
5500 940 3.44 3074 995 3.86 3461 1044 4.17 3748 1092 4.54 4093 1137 4.91 4437 1178 5.22 4726
5600 955 3.62 3239 1010 4.04 3627 1058 4.38 3943 1105 4.73 4270 1150 5.12 4633 —— —
5700 970 3.80 3405 1024 4.23 3804 1072 4.59 4139 1118 4.93 4456 —— — —— —
5800 985 3.99 3581 1039 4.42 3981 1086 4.80 4335 1131 5.14 4652 ——— —— —
5900 1000 4.18 3757 1053 4.62 4167 1100 5.02 4540 —— — —— — —— —
6000 1015 4.39 3953 1068 4.83 4363 — — — — — — — — — — — —
6100 1030 4.59 4139 1083 5.04 4558 ——— —— — —— — —— —
6250 1062 5.02 4560 — — — — — — — — — — — —
580D150 (12
TONS)* (cont)
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
3750 1041 2.75 2445 1086 2.98 2634 1122 3.16 2819 1146 3.28 2928
3800 1046 2.81 2503 1092 3.05 2719 1129 3.25 2901 1156 3.39 3028
3900 1055 2.94 2620 1102 3.20 2855 1143 3.42 3056 1174 3.59 3212
4000 1064 3.07 2737 1112 3.34 2983 1155 3.59 3212 1190 3.80 3405
4100 1072 3.20 2855 1121 3.49 3120 1165 3.76 3368 1203 3.99 3581
4200 1081 3.34 2983 1130 3.64 3258 1175 3.92 3516 1215 4.18 3757
4300 1090 3.48 3111 1139 3.79 3396 1185 4.08 3664 1226 4.36 3925
4400 1100 3.63 3248 1148 3.94 3535 1194 4.25 3822 1236 4.54 4093
4500 1109 3.78 3387 1157 4.09 3674 1203 4.42 3981 1246 4.72 4260
4600 1119 3.93 3525 1166 4.26 3832 1212 4.58 4130 1255 4.91 4437
4700 1129 4.09 3674 1175 4.43 3990 1221 4.76 4298 1264 5.09 4605
4800 1139 4.24 3813 1185 4.60 4148 1230 4.93 4456 —— —
4900 1150 4.38 3943 1194 4.77 4307 1239 5.12 4633 —— —
5000 1161 4.54 4093 1204 4.95 4475 —— — —— —
5100 1172 4.71 4251 1214 5.13 4642 —— — —— —
5200 1183 4.91 4419 —— — —— — —— —
5300 1194 5.08 4596 —— — —— — —— —
5400 —— — —— — —— — —— —
5500 —— — —— — —— — —— —
5600 —— — —— — —— — —— —
5700 —— — —— — —— — —— —
5800 —— — —— — —— — —— —
5900 —— — —— — —— — —— —
6000 —— — —— — —— — —— —
6100 —— — —— — —— — —— —
6250 —— — —— — —— — —— —
Bhp — Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
FIOP — Factory-Installed Option
Watts — Input Watts to Motor
*Standard motor drive range is 860 to 1080 rpm. Alternate motor drive
range is 900 to 1260 rpm. All other rpms require a field-supplied drive.
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied motor and drive are required.
2. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils. See
page 52 for accessory/FIOP static pressure information.
3. Maximum continuous bhp is 4.2 for the standard motor and 5.25 for
the alternate motor. The maximum continuous watts are 3775 for the
standard motor and 4400 for the alternate motor. Extensive motor
and electrical testing on these units ensures that the full range of the
motor can be utilized with confidence. Using your fan motors up to
the wattage ratings shown will not result in nuisance tripping or pre-
mature motor failure. Unit warranty will not be affected. See
Evaporator-Fan Motor Performance table on page 55 for additional
4. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your
local representative for details.
5. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.