
CloseC lose
-up, Photomacrography
up, Photomacrography u p, Photomacrography
up, Photomacrography
and Photomicrography
and Photomicrographya nd Photomicrography
and Photomicrography
1. Auto Bellows
The Auto Bellows is a sophisticated bellows for photomacro-
graphy, Automatic diaphragm coupling possible with the Auto
Bellows when the Double Cable Release is jointly used.
2. Bellows FL
The Bellows FL is used for the extreme close-up photography.
It has a shooting distance adjustment mechanism which couples
to the automatic diaphragm of the FD and FL lens.
3. Bellows M
The Bellows M is a handy bellows for photomacrography. When
the Double Cable Release is used with the Canon Macro Auto
Ring, automatic diaphragm coupling is also possible with this
bellows unit.
4. Duplicator 35
The Duplicator 35 is used with the Auto Bellows for copying
35mm slides. It can also be used to duplicate and convert a
110-size slides into a 35mm film frame.
5. Slide Duplicator
The Slide Duplicator is used for duplicating color slides or black-
and-white slides. It is attached to the tip of the Bellows FL.
6. Duplicators 8, 16
These duplicators are adapters for enlarging and duplicating
single frames of 8mm and 16mm movie films to a 35mm format.
Macrophoto Lenses are used for duplicating 8mm and 16mm.
7. 52mm, 58mm Close-up Lenses (240, 450)
Not For Resale
Free Download at http://www.joe