
Using an Externally Mounted Flash (Optional) 109
Other Flashes
Since other flashes fire at full strength, set the
shutter speed and aperture accordingly. At
shutter speeds slower than 1/125 second
(maximum flash synchro shutter speed)
determine the appropriate aperture value
setting from the flashs guide number and the
distance to the subject. You are also
recommended to set the white balance to the
Press the shutter button halfway to
The flash is charged when its pilot lamp lights
up. If the LCD monitor is on, the
icon will
Press the shutter button all the way to
shoot the image.
The flash will not fire in , or continuous mode.
The AEB mode cannot be used for flash photography. If the flash fires, only one
image gets recorded.
Please note that proprietary high-voltage flashes with multi contacts or flash
accessories made by other manufacturers may cause a camera malfunction.
A Canon Speedlite 480EG cannot be used with this camera because the flash will
not fire when mounted.
The following functions can be used with a Speedlite 220EX, 380EX, 420EX or
- Auto Exposure (Use the E TTL mode with a 550EX)
- FE Lock (Not available in
- Daylight Synchro
- Slow Synchro
- Flash Exposure Compensation (If a 550EX is used, the range figures on the
flashs display panel will not display correctly. Use the cameras flash exposure
compensation function instead.)
- Auto Zoom (Not available with the 220EX)