FAX-L1000 Chapter 5: Appendix
“90”: 3.1kHz audio
“80”: Speech
•High Layer Compatibility (*13)
Number 1 octet : “7D”
Number 4 octet : High layer characteristics identification
“A1”: G4
“84”: G2/G3
“81”: TEL
•Progress Indicator (*14)
Number 1 octet : “1E”
Number 4 octet : Progress description
“81”: Call is not end-to-end ISDN; further call progress information may be available in-
“82”: Destination address is non ISDN
“83”: Origination address is non ISDN
“84”: Call has returned to the ISDN
“85”: Interworking has occurred and has resulted in a telecommunication service change
“88”: In-band information or an appropriate pattern is now available
c-4) Main information elements in the clearing message (DISC, REL,
Number 1 octet : “08”
Number 4 octet and on: Cause number
Cause number
The “cause number” is the number which results when “80” is subtracted
from the number displayed on the Dch dump list and the result is converted to
decimal form. For example, in the case where the number displayed on the
Dch dump list is “90,” if “80” is subtracted from “90,” “10” is the result.
When this is converted to decimal form, “16” -the cause number - results.
Information element description
The actual information element description is regulated by the bit unit, but in
the information descriptions in this manual assume a general situation and are
shown by octet bit. If values outside of those shown in this manual appear on
the Dch dump list, please check the ITU-T recommendations and the ETSI